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Rush and Danish Cord

Rush and Danish cord are grouped together because the type of chairs they appear on often have many shared characteristics. Real rush, fiber rush, and Danish cord are all described below, along with two patterns they sometimes come in.

Real Rush Real rush is made from strands of seagrass twisted into a strong rope-like material. Traditionally, it is woven in a pattern that gives four triangular sections with a narrow bridge for a remarkably comfortable seat. Because it is a natural product, color and strand diameter vary even within a single seat.

Fiber Rush Fiber rush usually comes in the same pattern as real rush. However, it is made of tightly twisted Kraft paper for a consistent appearance and strength. A fiber rush seat can be finished with several coats of shellac for enhanced durability.

Danish Cord Danish cord is also made from Kraft paper. It consists of three strands twisted into a rope. It is sometimes used in the same pattern as real; more often, though, it appears in a pattern like that shown to the right, or something similar.